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Apnidukaan means a store where customers can feel like it is their own. This feeling can only be brought in their hearts & minds by selling quality products at reasonable prices, giving proper information about products, and by giving genuine service.
Our mission is to help small retailers to regain their customers and give them strong platform in front of big multinational giants.
Apnidukaan is committed to give our customers the best products and services through extensive research of the product in terms of durability, quality, finish, price and after sale service.
Our goal is within next two years we will be partnering thousands of small retailers across India in various product category and uniting them for creating offline and online Indian ecommerce environment which will be Run by Indians, Owned by Indians, Served for Indians.
With minimum turnover of Rs.2000 Crores.
Yes we are proud of being 100% Indian e-commerce Company.